Whiskas Catstacam

Whiskas is known as the purple cat food brand. They're also cat behavioural experts.
But no one knew this. We needed to prove they are.

So we created Whiskas CATSTACAM - the social way to help people better understand cats.

We built cameras that let cats take photos from their point of view and for the first time ever, post them directly to their very own Instagram account.

Then, as each photo shed new light on cat behaviour, we had an expert on hand to explain why, via the dedicated  #AskWhiskas.

And to further demonstrate Whiskas understanding of cats and their needs, the packaging also turned into a nifty cat toy.

The campaign delivered $13 Million in earned media, a 400% uplift in sales and people finally saw Whiskas as the cat experts they are.

“Catstacam brought the power of the Instagram platform to life in an incredibly innovative & engaging way. ” William Easton, Managing Director - Facebook Australia & New Zealand

Awards Spikes: 4 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 Finalists. Webbys: 1 Winner, 1 Nomination, 1 Honoree. AWARD: 3 Silver, 3 Bronze. Facebook Studio Awards: 1 Winner. ADMA AC&E Awards: 1 Winner, 3 Highly Commended, 4 Finalists. New York Festivals: 1 Finalist. Cannes: 3 Finalists.